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B-day: May 13th
Age: 18

Bio: about to be college bound ! creative, wandering mindd . lover, dreamer . . . I'm inspired by the people in my life, the places I've been (&& where I want to go), and the curiosity of life in itself.

my introduction


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Email: bellefreshxox@aol.com
AIM: bellefreshxox


"Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul…"
Emily Dickinson

"All these woes shall serve for sweet discourses in our time to come.
Shakespeare, “Romeo + Juliet”

shtuff !

Favorites: La vie NYC, DulceCandy, Bleeding Fashion, Fashion Bananas, Ring My Bell, Fashion Cappuccino, Such Dominating Little Things, Starving Stylist Cupcakes & Cashmere, Le mode du Jour, Behind the Seams, Snow Black, Fashion Toast, 5 Inch and Up
Gossip: Concreteloop, Necole Bitchie
Youtube: TimothyDeLAGhetto

*(E.M posts]

February 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 January 2011 February 2011

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© 2010 mar.tiste productions

Header Image Design by: Marlee
Coding by: Yorksun.

go HOME*
Winter/Spring Haul
17 February 2011

I recently purchased some great pieces from Daffy's, MAXRave, Forever 21, and Aeropostale. I had about $120 on me and I ventured into the mall with my mom and sis and definitely got my money's worth. At Daffy’s, a discount department store (similar to marshall’s), I got two bags one to hold school books and the other just cause =). The large one was discounted from $72.00 to $29.99 and the smaller one was discounted from $26.99 to $17.99.

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Total: $47.98; Savings: $51.01

I had a $15 aero gift card which I bought two things with for exactly $15.98! I got a cropped cable hoodies and a beige cardigan that was on clearance, a steal :).

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Total: $15.98; Savings: $64.00

I saw that MAXRave was having a going out of business sale of 60% off everything so I made my way there and picked up a purple leopard print cami for $4.80, a purple checkered hoodie for $7.20, and a black short sleeved slub cardigan for $9.60.

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Total: $21.60; Savings: $32.40.

At forever 21, I purchased some spring clothes. I’m really excited about my two tops because I wanted to add some more feminine pieces to my wardrobe and mission accomplished. I bought a mint green and oatmeal striped crocheted top for $14.80, and off white/pink striped sweater $13.80. I got a Heritage flower printed skirt for $16.90.

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Forever 21
Total: $45.50

- Marlee (1:04 PM)

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Isn't She Lovely?
17 January 2011
Click to EnlargeFlipping through the pages of the latest February issue of Harper's Bazaar, I couldn't help but take notice to Nicole Kidman and how beautiful she looks. I DIE for her style and grace. Is it just me or does this woman never age? Her interview was also very unique and clever. Her friend and star, Jennifer Aniston for the upcoming movie "Just Go With It" takes the role of interviewer making the article alot more interesting. In the article, she speaks candidly about her career, fashion, and her love life. She seems so at peace with her life and it really shows in her pictures. Get 'em Nicole !

On her style:

"I have no sense of what's fashionable; I just know what I like to wear. I don't believe in something being in and out. . ."

More from Nicole's Haper's Bazaar photo spread
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Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman's Q&A

JA: You are in such an amazing place right now. What do you think you would tell your 20 year old self?

NK: That you're going to meet the love of your life. My whole thing, my whole thrust in life, was hoping I would.

NK: And what would you tell the 20-year-old you?

JA: I would tell myself to have more fun; enjoy this. . . Don't worry about something going away; enjoy it while it's happening. And don't worry about something that's not even real.


- Marlee (11:10 AM)

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NYC J&R Musicfest !
31 August 2010
Let's take a brief intermission from fashion to bring you . . .
August 27, 2010 will go down as one of the best days of my 17 years of life . . .
Why you ask? I met J. Cole, one of my favorite artists ! My sister and I took the train to NYC to attend the J&R Musicfest in City Hall Park. There were four performers in all: a group called 4 Troops, Alexis Jordan (newest signee to Jay-z's RocNation label), J. Cole (=D), and Marsha Ambrosius (former member of Floetry, amazing voice). Everyone was waiting impatiently for Cole to come out. He was introduced by DJ Envy who got the crowd amped up even more. And when he finally hit the stage, we all went crazy !

J. Cole
He was so down-to-earth and energetic when he performed. He had a pretty long set and I wasn't even expecting him to perform that long (20 minutes!), it was a great suprise =D. He performed "We On," "Last Call," "Dollar and a Dream II," "Lights Please," "Grown Simba" (my favorite song), his verse from Miguel's "All I Want Is You," "Who Dat," and lastly his verse off of Jay-z's "Star Is Born" from the Blueprint 3 album. My sis and I had a great spot though I wish I was upfront and center (what can you do? lol). But during "Lights Please," we actually made eye contact while I was singing along to the chorus ! And after the performance my sis and I made a quick dash to the J&R musicstore across the street to get our place in line to get autographs ! I got to have a quick chat with him and thanks to my sis, I even have pictures too ! & Alexis Jordan was really nice and sweet, I told her how I first saw her Youtube videos and she said she would definitely upload more. (Her single "Happiness" is on my music player =)

AHHH ! Mission Accomplished =)

J. Cole
J. ColeJ. Cole

Overall it was a great experience with funny and exciting moments some that I will never forget like almost getting lost in the subway (finally figured it out, very easy =) and chatting it up with perfect strangers like Alexis Jordan's driver ! lol. Met some cool and interesting (!) people along the way [Shoutout to Shaneka from BK ! lol] . We capped it off by heading to a late night showing of "The Takers" starring all of my eye candies (Idris Elba, Hayden Christensen, Paul Walker, T.I., Michael Ealy, Chris Brown, and Jay Hernandez ow!) wrapped into one crazy good movie! Go see it, it was worth my $10.50 ! =D

(Side note: been meaning to put this up, currently trying to make a compilation video of the whole day, movie maker is giving me sh*t lol)

*Check out my previous post about J. Cole

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- Marlee (11:11 PM)

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Pink Promenade Nails X Fall Fashion Look
23 August 2010
I recently did my nails and used a bright hot pink color called "Pink Promenade Creme" from N.Y.C. brand nail polishes. To make the look a bit more special and funky, I also used N.Y.C's "Starry Silver Glitter" only on my middle fingers. Also I used Wet n' Wild's clear nail polish as a base and top coat for some shinee =] Do ya like ? Because I definitely do ! This bright look goes great with my safari print dress (pictured in the background) from my "Retail Therapy" post!

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This is my take on the fur vest look from the recent "My Fashion Fix" post !
I've had these pieces in my wardrobe since last year but I've recently discovered a way to re-invent a new outfit ! Paired with some skinnies or leggings with flats, heels, or boots; I'm all set . Btw, the animal print top is a taupe-ish color though it may appear to be gray in the fifth picture.

Click to get a better view of the pieces =]

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Mixed leopard/cheetah print ruched tunic; Divided by H&M
Cable Knit Vest; MaxRave
Pyramid Patent "Leather" Studded Belt; F21
Necklace; F21

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- Marlee (7:40 PM)

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My Fall Fashion Fix
31 July 2010
Hey guys ! I've been getting ready for school over the past few days, getting some summer reading out the way. (I'm currently reading Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya for AP Lit; it's really interesting so far =) Besides the exciting dreadful thought of going back to school, I've also been thinking about my fall fashion ! I've got to do some back-to-school shopping and it's somethin' serious LOL. But bring on that chilly weather, I'll be ready =) I need a new pair of jeans, ankle and calf boots, thick stockings to wear my dresses during the fall/winter months, cardigans galoreee and much moree (oh it rhymes) !

Here's some of my inspiration and a taste of my wishlist:

So I basically want ALL of the boots on this page but I'll focus on one for now ! I really like the taupe calf boot =] Last fall, Amerie was seen rockin' her fur with a cinched tunic, a studded belt, and stunning thigh high boots.

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This look can take a measly sweatshirt up a couple notches by adding a fashionable touch, so chic ! For this fall, I'm predicting (and so is Bazaar lol) a return of the fur toppper or vest. (Faux, si vous plait!)

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Blowfish boots (delias.com); Harper's Bazaar, August 2010

* Btw, thanks so much for the lovely comments on the last post! I'm glad I could share something new with some of you if you weren't familiar...that's the best feeling ever =]

- Marlee (4:50 PM)

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*Designer Spotlight (ADAM)
23 July 2010
Name: Adam Lippes
Age: 38
Label: ADAM
Established: 2004

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Meet Adam Lippes, an american ready-to-wear designer who started his career at Polo Ralph Lauren and worked along side Oscar de la Renta as Global Creative Director of his brand. In 2004, he began a line of basics under the name "adamplusseve." After gaining recognition and praise in the fashion world with his initial line of basics, his business transformed into "a full sportswear collection for men and women" under the name ADAM. In 2007, he was inducted into the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America). Now his collection can be found in stores in the U.S. such as Neiman Marcus and Intermix and internationally in over 900 MANGO stores.

Upon browsing through style.com, I stumbled upon a collection of Pre-Fall collections from a bunch of designers. I decided to skip over the usual suspects and click on something unfamiliar to me and that is when I saw this collection:

ADAM Pre-Fall Collection
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(more from the collection: Style.com)

My Top 2 Looks from Shopadam.com (♥I'm in love!)
And guess what?? His prices are pretty reasonable compared to alot of designers today. (Not saying I would dish out the money in this economy lol but . . .) His collection consists of things that the modern woman can wear and manipulate however she sees fit.
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There's something from every look that I would rock. I love the practical/RTW but still chic aim this collection portrays and the always flattering cinched waist silhouette. This gives me inspiration on how I want to build my wardrobe in the fall, give or take a few days where I'm inevitably going to be wearing sweats this senior year lol =P

What do you guys think about the collection,
and have you heard of ADAM before?

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- Marlee (9:27 PM)

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Eye Candy & Underwear !
22 July 2010
My style muse, the always gorgeous and fashionable Zoe Saldana, has been donned the new face (or should we say the new body) of Calvin Klein's Fall 2010 campaign for "Envy" lingerie. Congrats girl ! I'll be doing a post soon on her style and some great pieces that she has worn. Stay tuned !

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“It’s very exciting for me to be associated with such an iconic, globally recognized brand like Calvin Klein Underwear.” - Zoe Saldana

Kellan Lutz and Zoe Saldana
The World Of Calvin Klein (Berlin Fashion Week)
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And now . . .


Twilight's hottest vampire (in my opinon =) Kellan Lutz and former True Blood star Mehcad Brooks grace advertisements for Calvin Klein's "X" brand of men's bare necessities, oh those bare necessities ! haha Boy does Calvin know how to pick 'em ! ;) (Click the images to enlarge) <-- no pun intended, hah!

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Here are some lovely vids for you to indulge on, ENJOY =P

*for more pics [x]

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- Marlee (12:09 AM)

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*GQ Moment (Chris Brown)
20 July 2010
I happened to be on twitter a fews days ago and followed a link posted by Chris Brown and was impressed with what I saw (to say the least ;) He is definitely rocking those scarves and that black peacoat (work!). I like how he paired the military-esque boots with the peacoat, it creates a sleek and slim silhouette. He sure has stepped up his fashion game (men take notes).

Chris Brown wins the title of Eclectiq MIND's 1st ever GQ Moment !
Looking handsome in Italy =) drools

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- Marlee (12:27 AM)

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*Model Spotlight (Chanel Iman)
19 July 2010
Name: Chanel Iman
Age: 21
Height: 5'9"
Race: African American, Korean
Agency: Ford Models

Click for Chanel Iman in [Vogue Germany]This right here is my muse =] If you're into fashion or have even looked at a fashion magazine recently then I know you must have seen this girl or heard her name. What sets her apart is that she has the look of the girl next door and a high fashion runway model all in one complete package known as Chanel Iman. With a name like that, this girl's got a lot to amount to and she definitely has proved she's worthy of it all. She along with Jourdan Dunn, Arlenis Sosa, and Sessilee Lopez bring a breath of fresh air to the fashion world and a heavy dose of fierceness as well.

Ever since I've started a blog, I've been meaning to post this picture of all four girls on the cover of I.D. magazine's "Pretty Young Things" issue. This along with Vogue Italia's "Black Issue" marked a very pivotal and inspiring moment in fashion, though often overlooked, because women of color are featured on the cover and have an extensive spread inside the magazine as well. Women of color still carry the burden of breaking down walls in the fashion industry and these young models have certainly contributed to that feat. Great job girls !

Pretty Young Things
Chanel Iman, Sessilee Lopez, Jourdan Dunn, Arlenis Sosa
(I.D. Magazine, September 2009)

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- Marlee (6:58 PM)

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EAT SHOP LOVE ! (Review)
18 July 2010
Yesterday I was browsing through Harper's Bazaar August 2010 Issue with the fierce Cameron Diaz on the cover and I stumbled upon a great article entitled, EAT SHOP LOVE. Julia Roberts stars in the book turned movie "Eat, Pray, Love" (author: Elizabeth Gilbert) which hits theatres August 13th (I'm def catching that one) and it's about a woman who comes to a point in her life where she needs to find herself with a little soul searching and traveling.
The article is basically about taking what's within reach and indulging yourself with what surrounds you instead of the need to wisk yourself away to a far away land to get in touch with yourself. What you need is to make a few changes in your life to really see a difference. No need for anything really profound, just something that'll make you happy for now (maybe shallow even).

"Instead of going deep, why not go shallow? Instead of the high-minded, why not allow yourself to experience the transformative joys of the profoundly superficial?" - 'Eat Shop Love'

I do agree with this new mantra. Everyone needs to be indulged and spoiled every once in a while (especially those working women and moms out there). Eating great food, buying amazing clothes, and loving to your heart's fullest capacity will make anyone want to do a few somersaults in the middle of the street. Shopping for me just makes me happy, point blank. I'm not trying to fill a void or anything but after I just dropped a hundred or so at the mall and got some really great pieces to add to my wardrobe, I don't know about you but I feel AMAZING afterward. I never feel guilty after a shopping spree because I make good choices about price points for myself so when I find that top that I just gotta have and it happened to be on sale, I'm instantly proud of myself for even finding it like"Where have you been all my life!"

So the moral of this story is , go ahead and treat yourself! Try being indulgent and do what makes YOU happy for once. Just don't go crazy! (Bonquiqui voice)


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- Marlee (2:49 PM)

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Retail Therapy !
17 July 2010
I bought these a month ago but I thought I'd post them because I absolutely love these dresses. I've been on the hunt for some nice summer dresses since the spring and I finally found 3 all at the same time. And at a STEAL! They'll definitely be apart of my wardrobe for the early hot days of September come the start of senior year(woop!).

Okay so I bought 3 dresses each about $7.50 ! (I know it's hard to believe lol) gotta love H&M! I actually wore the lime green printed one for senior portraits (pictured in side bar) =]
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The next dress is a strapless tiered teal dress with a ruffle at the bust. I lovee this dress ! Don't really remember how much this was . . .

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This last top isn't a dress, but I wear it with leggings since it hits me below the butt lol. I wore this with a white cami (PacSun), black leggings (F21), and a black cable knit vest(MaxRave) to my induction ceremony to the Spanish Honor Society at my school.
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- Marlee (5:51 PM)

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